How we can help.

Financial wellness simplified

Trusted by employees of top startups

What we can help with

  • Understanding the value of your equity
  • Creating strategies to exercise shares
  • Filing tax documents like 83b elections
  • Understanding your vesting schedule
  • Navigating funding rounds
  • Tax planning for crypto and stock holdings
  • Investing using tax-advantaged accounts
Getting started

Getting started is easy - create an account and answer a few questions regarding your finances to get begin.

Documentation like equity award letters, pay stubs, and tax returns can be uploaded directly to our team.

Meeting with an advisor

Once account setup is complete, you can utilize the tools in your account to model and review scenarios.

Our algorithm matches you with an advisor that you can meet by upgrading to our Advisory service in your account.

During your advisory sessions

During your 1:1 meeting, our team will create a management plan which allows you optimize taxes, and understand the value of your equity, investments, and crypto assets.

Continued support

Your personal advisor is available for additional sessions as needed.

Our live chat feature is also available for real-time support in your account.

Taxes are about to get easy

With compdesk you're never in the dark regarding tax blind spots. Let's work together to create a roadmap to financial success.
Get started